All coauthors must agree to post a preprint and participate inIn Review. You can useIn Reviewto access up-to-date information on where your article is in the peer review process. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ISSN 2041-1723 (online). There is a tiny but significant association between institution group and acceptance, which means that authors from less prestigious institutions tend to be rejected more than authors from more prestigious institutions, regardless of review type. a higher likelihood for rejection) for double-blind than single-blind papers (p value <0.001, df=1, Cramers V=0.112 for first decision; p value <0.001; df=1, Cramers V=0.082 for post-review decision). However, we were unable to distinguish the effects of gender bias (from reviewers) and manuscript quality in this observation because an analysis of acceptance rate by gender and review type did not yield statistically significant results. Hi, it depends from the Journal but normally you can wait more days. Since the models showed a bad fit to the data according to accepted diagnostics criteria, further interpretation of the models is not warranted. The available data cannot tell us if other factors, such as the quality of the work, play a role in the choice of the review model. Needs Approval or Revision Needs Approval. 85,307,200 Downloads (in 2021) Next, we focussed on a potential institutional bias and looked at the relationship between OTR rate and institutional prestige as measured by the groups defined based on THE ranking explained above (excluding the fourth group, for which no THE ranking was available), regardless of review type (Table9). This choice of categories is arbitrary, e.g. (Courtesy of Clarivate Analytics), The 5-year journal Impact Factor, available from 2007 onward, is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year. 0000003764 00000 n Finally, we investigated the uptake of the peer review models by country of the corresponding author for the entire portfolio, using data on all of the 106,373 manuscripts. Reviewer bias in single- versus double-blind peer review. I am confused since the current status was already passed before the editors sent the manuscript out for review. 2021: Nature Communications: 14.3 weeks: 42.6 weeks: n/a: 3: 4 (very good . Cite this article. Finally, editors need to assess these reviews and formulate a decision. Authors must sign into CTS with the email address to which the link was sent. Bruce R, Chauvin A, Trinquart L, Ravaud P, Boutron I. At this point the status of your article will change to 'Completed' and no further modifications can be made in Editorial Manager. 0000005880 00000 n Corresponding author defined. This decision is the sole responsibility of the . Journal-integrated preprint sharing fromSpringer Nature and Research Square, Share your preprint and trackyour manuscripts review progress with ourIn Review service. The multivariate regression analyses we performed led to uninformative models that did not fit the data well when the response was author uptake, out-to-review decision, or acceptance decision, and the predictors were review type, author gender, author institution, author country, and journal tier. Usage: How do I check the status of my manuscript? Our commitment to early sharing and transparency in peer review inspires us to think about how to help our authors in new ways. 9 days How many days did the entire process take? As a co-author, i saw recently that our paper switched from status. Am Econ Rev. decision sent to author nature communications posted by Manuscript then goes into said editor's pile, and waits until it gets to the front of the line. This might be due to referee bias against review model, or to a lower quality of DBPR papers, or both. Plast Reconstr Surg. Accelerated Communications, JBC Reviews, Meeting Reports, Letters to the Editor, and Corrections, as well as article types that publish . In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Privacy decisions for these programmes are taken by panels of independent experts and Nature Research editors play no role in decision making . Trends Ecol Evol. After making the decision, it is necessary to notify the authors. We excluded the records for which the assigned gender was NA and focussed on a dataset of 17,167 records, of which 2849 (17%) had a female corresponding author and 14,318 (83%) had a male corresponding author. We found that a smaller proportion of DBPR papers are sent to review compared with SBPR papers and that there is a very small but significant association between review type and outcome of the first editorial decision (results of a chi-square test: 2=1623.3, df=1, p value <0.001; Cramers V=0.112). We excluded data where the gender was not assigned to either male or female. Roberts SG, Verhoef T. Double-blind reviewing at EvoLang 11 reveals gender bias. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. We also found that manuscripts from female authors or authors from less prestigious institutions are accepted with a lower rate than those from male authors or more prestigious institutions, respectively. Our commitment to early sharing and transparency in peer review inspires us to think about how to help our authors in new ways. Each journal is able to customize the wording of the status terms, but the same status phases apply to all journals using Editorial Manager. The analysis of success outcome at both the out-to-review and acceptance stages could in principle reveal the existence of any reviewer bias against authors characteristics. However, when they communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision, it was decided to reconsider your manuscript. The submission remains at this status until you select "Build PDF for Approval". A list of links to the Manuscript Tracking System login pages for each journal is available on the Nature Portfolio Journals A-Z webpage. Corresponding author defined. Title page: A separate title page is necessary and should bear a) the title of the article, b) name of the authors, c) the institutions of origin, d) a short title and for Short Communications also the corresponding author's name, address, and e-mail.Please note that it should be a maximum of 5 authors for Short Communications. My father emptied the thing at an unknown date ruining my spontaneous project, but at least I was able to recover the skull, jaw, spine & ribs. Tomkins A, Zhang M, Heavlin WD. Papers. These reviewers then need sufficient time to conduct a thorough review on your manuscript. Decision Sent to Author 2020-07-09 08:38:16 Decision Pending 2020-06-29 08:28:42 Under Review 2020-06-25 09:38:03 Under Editorial Consideration 2020-06-23 10:09:56 Manuscript Submission 2020-04-09 14:44:05 Stage Start Date Manuscript Ready for Publication 2020-07-16 10:45:24 . In future works, we will consider studying the post-decision outcome also in relation to the gender of reviewers and defining a quality metric for manuscripts in order to isolate the effect of bias. Visit our main website for more information. Journal-integrated preprint sharing from Springer Nature and Research Square. 3. level 1. [No author listed] Nature journals offer double-blind review. When the decision is finalized, you will receive a direct email with the overall editorial decision, Editor and/or reviewer comments, and further instructions. I have a revised manuscript which I submitted to Nature Communications. When the Editors begin to enter a decision it will move the status to 'Decision in Process'. 0000012316 00000 n The process was on par with other journal experiences, but I do not appreciate the inconsistency between what the editor at Nature Medicine told me when transferring to Nature Comms, and the final evaluation at Nature Comms. Why did this happen? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts In these scenarios, crowd wisdom peaks early then becomes less accurate as more individuals become involved, explained senior author Iain Couzin, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. (Nature Portfolio Data), Nature Communications (Nat Commun) So, in October 2018, we added a new option for you when you submit to select Springer Nature journals. 2017;12(12):e0189311. We also analysed the OTR rates by gender of the corresponding author, regardless of review type. . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This reply will be sent to the author of the Correspondence before publication. "More Manuscript Info and Tools. . In order to test whether two variables were independent, we used Pearsons chi-square test of independence and referred to the classification in [21] to define the strength of association. Yes We only retained a normalised institution name and country when the query to the GRID API returned a result with a high confidence, and the flag manual review was set to false, meaning that no manual review was needed. If you choose to opt in, your article will undergo some basic quality controlchecks before being sent to theIn Reviewplatform. Perspect Psychol Sci. What happens after my manuscript is accepted? The present study focusses on the effects of this publisher intervention in the 2years following implementation and can guide others when evaluating the consequences of introducing DBPR to their journals. In the past if your work wasn't accepted in Nature or Science researchers would often try the respected general journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, or PNAS - which wags dubbed "Probably Not . 'Submission Transfers Waiting for Author's Approval'. Submission to first post-review decision: for manuscripts that are sent to external reviewers, the median time (in days) taken from when a submission is received to when an editorial decision post-review is sent to the authors. Click here to download our quick reference guide to journal metrics. Time: 2023-03-04T15:53:14+00:00. Here, we included data on direct submissions and transfers (101,209 submissions). Editors are always aware of the identity of the authors. In order to detect any bias towards institutional prestige, we referred to a dataset containing 20,706 records, which includes OTR papers that were either rejected or accepted, as well as transfers. by | May 28, 2022 | vga white light on asus motherboard | anskan om utbyte av utlndskt krkort | May 28, 2022 | vga white light on asus motherboard | anskan om utbyte av utlndskt krkort After reviewing the reports, you can proceed to making decisions on papers. We aimed at modelling uptake (baseline SB) based on the following variables (and all their subsets): corresponding authors gender, the group of their institution (1, 2, 3, or 4), the category of their country (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, the UK, the USA, and Others), and the journal tier (Nature, Nature sister journals, and Nature Communications). Often commercial sensors do not provide researchers with sufficient raw and open data; therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an open and customizable system to classify cattle behaviors. 0000047805 00000 n Incidence and nature of unblinding by authors: our experience at two radiology journals with double-blinded peer review policies. In spite of the presence of explicit instructions to authors, this type of review model has sometimes been shown to fail to hide authors identity. (The FAQ has more details about the mechanics of how this works.). 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. On submission, authors should choose one or two referral journals, in the order of preference, or "no referral." (Courtesy of Clarivate Analytics), The Article Influence Score determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication. This may be due to the higher quality of the papers from more prestigious institutions or to an editor bias towards institutional prestige, or both. 2016;1(2):1637. 0000062196 00000 n In our case, this analysis was hampered by the lack of an independent measure of quality, by potential confounders such as potential editor bias towards the review model or author characteristics, and by the lack of controlled experiments in which the same paper is reviewed under both SBPR and DBPR, or in which DBPR is compulsory, thus eliminating the effect of bias towards the review model. Is double-blinded peer review necessary? Our results show that we cannot say that there is a significant difference between authors from prestigious institutions and authors from less prestigious institutions for DBPR-accepted manuscripts. 0000065294 00000 n Please enter your feedback to submit this form, Journal Article Publishing Support Center. volume3, Articlenumber:5 (2018) We have informational videos that pertain to our Journal Suggester and Transfer Desk that take about five minutes each to listen to if you are interested in learning more about them. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Settings. 201451 Final decision for XXXXX. This may occur as a consequence of positive referee bias towards institution groups or to quality factors. 0000002625 00000 n Accessed 15 Jan 2017. There is a small but significant association between institution group and acceptance (Pearsons chi-square test results: 2=49.651, df=3, p value <0.001, Cramers V=0.049). (Courtesy of Clarivate Analytics), The median number of citations received in 2019 for articles published in2017 and 2018. This is because authors cannot modify their choice of review model at the transfer stage, and thus transfers cannot contribute to the uptake analysis. China and the USA stand out for their strong preference for DBPR and SBPR, respectively. Double-blind peer review has been proposed as a possible solution to avoid implicit referee bias in academic publishing. We are a world leading research, educational and professional publisher. Falagas ME, Zouglakis GM, Kavvadia PK. Get Scientific Editing. While the metrics presented here are not intended to be a definitive list, we hope that they will prove to be informative. We understand that you have not received any journal email. Cookies policy. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement. This page provides information on peer review performance and citation metrics for Nature Communications. Another possibility is that the predictors are correlated, thus preventing a good fit. Check Status". 0000001795 00000 n First, we calculated the acceptance rate by gender, regardless of review type (Table12). ~. Issue a separate correction notice electronically linked back to the corrected version. Table6 shows the counts and proportions of manuscripts that were sent out for review or rejected by the editors as a function of peer review model. The corresponding author takes responsibility for the manuscript during the submission, peer review and production process. So, in October 2018, we added a new . Any pending input will be lost. The study reported on here is the first one that focusses on Nature-branded journals, with the overall aim to investigate whether there is any implicit bias in peer review in these journals and ultimately understand whether DBPR is an effective measure in removing referee bias and improving the peer review of scientific literature. The decision may need to be confirmed by multiple Editors in some journals, and the Editors may decide to seek additional reviews or assign another Editor, returning the manuscript to an earlier status. At the point of first submission, authors have to indicate whether they wish to have their manuscript considered under SBPR or DBPR, and this choice is maintained if the manuscript is declined by one journal and transferred to another. 0000004498 00000 n Thus, our unit of analysis is identified by three elements: the manuscript, the corresponding author, and the journal. 0000013573 00000 n In the processing step, we excluded 5011 (3.8%) records which had an empty value in the column recording the review type due to technical issues in the submissions system for Nature Communications. JAMA. Usually when a paper is received for publication, the Editor in chief considers the paper and then transmits it to the suitable . We divided the journals in three tiers: (i) the flagship interdisciplinary journal (Nature), (ii) the discipline-specific sister journals (Nature Astronomy, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Climate Change, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Energy, Nature Genetics, Nature Geoscience, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Immunology, Nature Materials, Nature Medicine, Nature Methods, Nature Microbiology, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Plants, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology), and (iii) the open-access interdisciplinary title (Nature Communications). It was on December 21, 1968, that Apollo 8 launched from Cape Kennedy, in Florida, sending US astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell Jr and William Anders on the world's . 25th Apr, 2017. As such, the decision to publish an article rests entirely with the handling Editor. "This is an extension of the wisdom-of-crowds theory that allows us to relax the assumption that being in big groups is always the best way to make a . The full model has a pseudo R2 of 0.05, and the binned plot of the models residuals against the expected values also shows a poor fit. Correspondence to Share your preprint and track your manuscript's review progress with our In Review service. This study provides insight on authors behaviour when submitting to high-impact journals. The proportion of authors choosing double-blind changes as a function of the institution group, with higher ranking groups having a higher proportion of single-blind manuscripts (Table4). Authors will be able to track peer review on their private author dashboard. The UC's agreement with Springer Nature is a three-year-plus agreement, through 2023, that increases both UC's access to Springer Nature journals and support for the open access publication of UC research. In addition, the high prestige of these journals might accentuate an implicit referee bias and therefore makes such journals a good starting point for such an analysis. Papers from more prestigious institutions are more likely to be sent to review than papers from less prestigious institutions, regardless of review type. Timely attention to proofs will ensure the article is slated for the next possible issue. 0000001568 00000 n If your manuscript is sent to reviewers, please share with the community how many days the evaluated process took by editor's office (not include the evaluated process of reviewers). Modified on: Thu, 30 Jul, 2020 at 4:54 PM. Based on these results, we cannot conclude whether the referees are biased towards gender. bounded rationality . We employed a Wald test to evaluate the statistical significance of each coefficient in the model by testing the hypothesis that the coefficient of an independent variable in the model is significantly different from zero. Part of statement and Please note that this definition is different from that of the corresponding author(s) as stated on published articles and who are the author(s) responsible for correspondence with readers. isolera golv plintgrund waiting to send decision to author nature. 1 Answer to this question. . For DBPR papers, we found a statistically significant difference in the OTR rate by gender (2=7.5042, df=1, p value=0.006155); for SBPR papers, we did not find a statistically significant difference in the OTR rate by gender (2=0.72863, df=1, p value=0.3933). If you have submitted your manuscript to an Editorial Manager journal but you have not yet received a final decision, you can check its status online. There . For other authors characteristics, such as institutional prestige, a quality factor is more likely than for gender: it is not unthinkable to assume that on average manuscripts from more prestigious institutions, which tend to have more resources, are of a higher quality than those from institutions with lower prestige and fewer means. Also, because of the retrospective nature of this study, we could not conduct controlled experiments. These records are excluded from the analysis, resulting in a dataset of 128,454 records, of which 20,406 (16%) were submitted to Nature, 65,234 (51%) to the 23 sister journals, and 42,814 (33%) to Nature Communications. We aimed at modelling OTR decisions based on the following variables (and all their subsets): review type (SB/DB), corresponding authors gender, the group of their institution (1, 2, 3, or 4), the category of their country (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, the UK, the USA, and Others), and the journal tier (Nature, Nature sister journals, and Nature Communications). The results of a Pearsons chi-square test of independence show a small effect size (2=138.77, df=1, p value <0.001; Cramers V=0.082). Data includes 128,454 manuscripts received between March 2015 and February 2017 by 25 Nature-branded journals. Decide and Notify authors of decisions made on articles. captcha. Finding reviewers who agree to deal with the paper - another week. nature physics. The status changed to "Manuscript under editorial consideration" last night without it changing to "Editor decision started" like in other examples. We note here that, in recent years, trends in scholarly publishing have emerged that strongly propose transparent, or open, peer review as a model that could potentially improve the quality and robustness of the peer review process [18]. While these shortcomings of the data are beyond our control, we have made it clear in the Results section when and why we have excluded a subset of the dataset in each aspect of the analysis. 0000014682 00000 n Nature. And here is a list of journals currently onIn Review. The Editor has made a decision and requested you revise the submission. We investigated the proportion of OTR papers (OTR rate) under both peer review models to see if there were any differences related to gender or institution. The prestige of the corresponding authors institutions was measured from the data of the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) by dividing institutions in three prestige groups with reference to the 2016 Times Higher Education (THE) ranking. Each review is due in ten days, and many of them do arrive in two weeks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Authors might choose SBPR when submitting their best work as they are proud of it and may opt for DBPR for work of lower quality, or, the opposite could be true, that is, authors might prefer to submit their best work as DBPR to give it a fairer chance against implicit bias.

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decision sent to author nature communications